نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 استادیار گروه علوم سیاسی، دانشکده حقوق و علوم اجتماعی، دانشگاه پیام نور، تهران، ایران

2 استادیار جامعه‌شناسی، گروه تاریخ و جامعه‌شناسی، دانشکده علوم اجتماعی، دانشگاه محقق اردبیلی، اردبیل، ایران

3 دانشجوی کارشناسی جامعه‌شناسی، گروه تاریخ و جامعه‌شناسی، دانشکده علوم اجتماعی، دانشگاه محقق اردبیلی، اردبیل، ایران


بی‌تفاوتی سیاسی به دل‌زدگی سیاسی، بی‌میلی سیلی، بی‌کنشی سیاسی و عدم تمایل فرد به مشارکت سیاسی اطلاق می‌شود. هدف پژوهش، مطالعه عوامل مؤثر بر بی‌تفاوتی سیاسی دربازه زمانی 1401-1380 است. روش پژوهش از نوع فراتحلیل کمی است که محقق با استفاده از مرور ادبیات و تحقیقات صورت گرفته در بازه زمانی 1380 الی 1401، بی‌تفاوتی سیاسی با حجم نمونه 11 تحقیق را شناسایی و آنها را برحسب روش، حجم نمونه، ضرایب همبستگی و سطح معنی‌داری، جامعه آماری و سال دسته‌بندی و سازمان‌دهی کرده است. یافته‌های تحقیق نشان داد بین عوامل سیاسی (بی‌اعتمادی سیاسی؛ بیگانگی سـیاسی؛ عدم برخورداری از حقوق شهروندی؛ فـرهنگ سیاسی پایین)، عوامل اجتماعی (قانون‌گریزی اجتماعی؛ احساس بی‌عدالت اجتماعی؛ آنومی اجتماعی؛ فقدان شفافیت اجتماعی؛ کیفیت پایین زندگی)، عوامل فرهنگی (مصرف رسانه‌های جمعی، میزان دینداری؛ آنومی فرهنگی، فردگرایی)، عوامل اقتصادی (محرومیت نسبی، بیکاری، طبقه اجتماعی- اقتصادی) و عوامل جمعیتی (تحصیلات، میزان درآمد و سن) با بی‌تفاوتی سیاسی رابطه معنی‌داری دارند. نتایج نشان می‌دهد بی‌تفاوتی سیاسی متاثر از عوامل متعدد اقتصادی، سیاسی، فرهنگی و اجتماعی است که ضرورت دارد برای جلوگیری از بروز این پدیده، زمینه‌های مشارکت سیاسی شهروندان در امور جامعه از طریق ارتقای پایگاه اجتماعی- اقتصادی افراد، تقویت عزت ‌نفس، احساس کارایی، افزایش اعـتماد سیاسی و اجتماعی، تقویت مولفه‌های دینداری، برقراری عـدالت اجـتماعی و افزایش رضایت از زنـدگی فراهم شود.



عنوان مقاله [English]

Meta-Analysis of Factors Affecting Political Apathy Among Iranians: The Case of Research Studies During 2001–2022

نویسندگان [English]

  • Akbar Zolfaghari 1
  • Taha Ashayeri 2
  • Fatemeh Mahtabi 3

1 Assistant Professor, Department of Political Sciences, Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Sociology, Department of History and Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran

3 BA Student of Sociology, Department of History and Sociology, School of Social Sciences, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran

چکیده [English]

Political apathy refers to someone’s disinterest, reluctance, and passivity towards political participation. The present research aimed to investigate the factors that contributed to political apathy during the period 2001–2022. To accomplish this, the study employed a meta-analysis approach to synthesize the results of scattered experimental studies and answer the question of what factors influenced political apathy and to what extent they explained it.
Materials and Methods
This study employed a quantitative meta-analysis approach to identify and categorize studies related to the factors influencing political apathy during 2001–2022. The statistical population comprised 23 research documents, from which 11 documents were selected based on the criteria such as method, validity, reliability, and scientific findings. The selection criteria included method, sample size, correlation coefficients, significance level, statistical population, and year of publication. Having been analyzed in terms of correlation coefficients, sample size, and significance level, the selected studies were entered into Comprehensive Meta-Analysis 2 software, and the final effect size of each research study was estimated. The funnel plot and Q-test were used to determine the homogeneity or heterogeneity. After confirming heterogeneity between the studies, the article used a moderating variable to explain the factors affecting political apathy in the period. The current research employed specific criteria to select the relevant studies for analysis, including:

Specific subject area: The research must have examined the factors influencing political apathy, either as the primary or ancillary objective.
Specific geographical location: Only scientific–research articles and theses conducted in Iran were examined in this study.
Specific research method: Only quantitative studies were selected for analysis since meta-analysis focuses on quantitative research.
Research validity: Given the fact that the validity of any meta-analysis depends on the validity of the studies analyzed, the present research selected the relevant studies based on their validity and reliability which were ensured through strict evaluation criteria such as validity and reliability reports.
Clarity of statistical findings: In line with the protocols of meta-analysis, the studies were selected based on the accurate and correct reporting of statistical findings, as well as their compliance with the assumptions of statistical tests and input criteria of the software.

The research studies on the factors influencing political apathy were selected based on the above criteria, which indicates the use of a purposeful sampling method. As a result, 23 research documents were selected for analysis in the current research.
Results and Discussion
The study revealed a significant and positive relationship between political, social, cultural, economic, and demographic factors and political apathy. Political factors such as political distrust, dissatisfaction, alienation, lack of citizenship rights, anomie, and low political culture were found to be closely associated with political apathy. Social factors, including social anomie, commitment, health, national identity, low social vitality, organizational and occupational identity, lack of social transparency, feeling of social injustice, lawlessness, and low quality of life, were also found to contribute to political apathy. Cultural factors such as domestic media consumption, the level of religiosity, social and satellite networks, cultural anomie, and individualism were identified as influencing political apathy. Concerning economic factors, economic capital, relative deprivation, unemployment, and socio-economic class were found to be associated with political apathy. Finally, demographic factors such as education, place of residence, age, and marital status had a significant relationship with political apathy.
The study concluded that political apathy is influenced by various economic, political, cultural, and social factors. To prevent the emergence and occurrence of this phenomenon, it is necessary to encourage political participation of citizens in societal affairs by improving their socio-economic status, enhancing self-esteem and sense of efficiency, increasing political and social trust, strengthening religiosity, promoting social justice, and providing greater life satisfaction. Other strategies to increase people’s political participation and prevent political apathy include raising political awareness, fostering hope for future change, ensuring proportional reward for participation, promoting social satisfaction and sense of effectiveness, cultivating citizens’ optimism about the future, increasing political and economic efficiency, strengthening socio-political capital, enhancing political education, empowering citizens, fostering social belonging and individual motivation, promoting accountability of rulers, improving efficiency and effectiveness of institutions and organizations, preventing corruption and political violence, increasing incomes, expanding education, improving social status, building trust in the government, promoting economic development, expanding traditional political culture, and ensuring political and social equality.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Political Apathy
  • Political Culture
  • Relative Deprivation
  • Social Anomie
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