Document Type : Research Paper
1 M.A student in Sociology, Sociology Department, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran
2 Assistant Professor of Sociology, Sociology Department, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran
3 Assistant Professor of Political Sciences, Political Sciences Department, University of Iran, Iran
The Islamic revolution in Iran, as one of the steps in the democratization process has been studied in many different aspects however there are no studies that have concentrated on its state-society relations. This article was done to study state relations from 1963 to 1979 by the historical institutionalism method. At first, the most important events in the mentioned period were reviewed and the mode of interaction between the state and society was studied then the historical institutionalism method and casual and temporal relations of social and political events were determined. The results of the research have shown that at the beginning of the revolution process (1963), the state was powerful however confrontational policies of the state during many years, caused that after the Black Friday event in Iran, despite the state tried to make the political arena freer, the society used that opportunity against the state until its overcoming on the state.
- Islamic revolution
- state-society relations
- Historical institutionalism
- The open political space policy
- The Black Friday
Main Subjects