mahdi nazemi ardakani; mahdi davoodi; ahmad ali Emami
Volume 3, Issue 9 , February 2015, Pages 9-26
Islamic Revolution of Iran is one of the most important variables in recentdecades that have led to a new attitude towards Islam in the world. The CulturalRevolution is based on an approach to develop cultural convergence betweenIslamic communities in the world and believes that the most important factorsthat ...
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Islamic Revolution of Iran is one of the most important variables in recentdecades that have led to a new attitude towards Islam in the world. The CulturalRevolution is based on an approach to develop cultural convergence betweenIslamic communities in the world and believes that the most important factorsthat can make an internal coherence and consensus among Muslim nations arereligious commonalities and interactions among them. Hence, the call forIslamic unity based on divine teachings of Islam comes from the founder of theIslamic Revolution. This is the principle of monotheism, Islam, unity andsolidarity, justice and fighting oppression, etc., which is derived from Islam andIslamic ideology. Such ideas and ideals of leadership, Justice, and confrontingoppression, to achieve prosperity for all humans and the universal ideals ofIslam are a central focus of the Islamic Revolution.
Gholam Reza Khaje sarvi; Hassan Zarei Mhamood Abadi
Volume 3, Issue 9 , February 2015, Pages 27-63
From the very beginning, The Republic Islamic of Iran was looking for reorganizingthe society and “the well-living” in order to build a society based onjustice and virtues. It that matter, the main policy is organizing the socialaffairs. Policy, government and the way of organizing the society ...
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From the very beginning, The Republic Islamic of Iran was looking for reorganizingthe society and “the well-living” in order to build a society based onjustice and virtues. It that matter, the main policy is organizing the socialaffairs. Policy, government and the way of organizing the society are highlyinfluenced by the political culture of the people and the government. In order toreach virtual and human purposes, any successful organization of the society,needs recognition of the desirable political culture which comes from its mainroots. In this article, it is claimed that, according to the order of Imam Ali(peace be upon him) to Malik Ashtar, leaders presence and their hard work for“public interests” are among the most important criteria of appropriatepolitical culture at the level of leadership.
Abbas ali Rahbar
Volume 3, Issue 9 , February 2015, Pages 65-93
Development is a course ensuring constant improvements in all realms of humanlife, both material and spiritual, humans should, in ultimate development, achievea life relying upon their abilities and human culture along with expansion of circleof positive options. Development could be discussed both historically ...
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Development is a course ensuring constant improvements in all realms of humanlife, both material and spiritual, humans should, in ultimate development, achievea life relying upon their abilities and human culture along with expansion of circleof positive options. Development could be discussed both historically and in termsof developmental goals and is challenged by the Islamic thought in a compulsorycourse, but in the cultural-ideal course, development is fundamentally a uniqueprocess which not only benefits from the common denominator of the rational,fixed principles of development, but may also be applied given the social culture.Culture is a human entity and its survival depends on humans' awareness,determination and will – the humans who are the key elements in a society.Therefore, achieving well-developed conditions, which is a political andgovernmental decision, needs cultural foundations. Viewing humans, society,religion, life and time can serve as an important factor in logical analysis andinterpretation of political development on the one hand, and survivinginstitutionalization of politics on the other.Meanwhile, Shiite political culture which considers a logical link and positiveinteraction between religiosity and politics believes that using the fundamentalelements and components of rationality, freedom, and dynamic endeavors, onecould not only maintain the fundamentals and principles of Islam but also promoteits efficiency in relation to development in general and political development inparticular.
Jafar Hezar Jaribi; Gholam Reza Karimi; Abbas Farhadi
Volume 3, Issue 9 , February 2015, Pages 95-119
This paper examines the Factors influencing the process of politicalsocialization of students. Effects of the political parties within the university andoutside the university (such as political parties and political figures); and thepolicies of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, on the ...
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This paper examines the Factors influencing the process of politicalsocialization of students. Effects of the political parties within the university andoutside the university (such as political parties and political figures); and thepolicies of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, on the process ofpolitical socialization of students has been studied. Details of the survey havebeen collected from a sample size of 1210 individuals among public universitiesnationwide and purified with the method of Stratified sampling. Data analysiswas also performed with "SPSS" software in 1392.The results of the study revealed these assumptions: The political parties withinthe college had a positive impact on the process of political socialization; andoff-campus parties and political organizations such as parties and politicalfigures and the policies of the Ministry of Science, Failed to have a major impacton political socialization of students
Amir Masood Shahram nia; Razie Mehrabi Koshki; Mahdie Poor ranjbar
Volume 3, Issue 9 , February 2015, Pages 121-141
Evaluation of the youth national Identity as the most vital, the most legitimate andthe most common type of collective identity, and the study of the factors influencingit, is one of the issues that have been the constant concern of sociologists andpolitical thinkers. The main concern in this respect ...
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Evaluation of the youth national Identity as the most vital, the most legitimate andthe most common type of collective identity, and the study of the factors influencingit, is one of the issues that have been the constant concern of sociologists andpolitical thinkers. The main concern in this respect is to preserve and enhance thecitizens’, especially the youth, sense of belonging and commitment to concepts suchas history, culture, state and the political system. One of the things that have comescarcely into theoretical and empirical examination is the impact of socialnetworking on a National Identity. Networks intensely touch the intra-group andinter-group interactions and communications of people and seem to influencenational identity and national consolidation.This study aims to investigate the issue of whether social networks can affectstudents’ national identity and how much they do so. The method used is surveyand data were collected using questionnaires distributed among a sample of 294university students in 2013-2014. Their reliability was calculated in formalmethods, and their validity was assessed using Cronbach's alpha, and finally,they were analyzed by 22SPSS software.The findings of this study suggest that there is strong and significantrelationship between inter-group networks and four dimensions of nationalidentity, namely, the socio-cultural, historical, political and territorial identity.The abovementioned networks have more impact on the socio-cultural, political,historical, and territorial identity, respectively. Also, despite the impact of intragroupsocial networks on political and socio-cultural identity, the total value didnot confirm any correlation between students’ national identity and intra-groupnetworks.
Reza Simbar; Roohollah Ghasemian
Volume 3, Issue 9 , February 2015, Pages 143-178
The main focus of detailed discussions in this essay was studying the reasonsthat caused Syria to turn into an important security issue for Iran. Given thelong history of relations between the two, the emergence of this crisis hasactivated Iran heavily and roughly to prevent and confront the West's powersince ...
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The main focus of detailed discussions in this essay was studying the reasonsthat caused Syria to turn into an important security issue for Iran. Given thelong history of relations between the two, the emergence of this crisis hasactivated Iran heavily and roughly to prevent and confront the West's powersince lagging in this issue will impose heavy prices on the Islamic Republic ofIran. The current essay has studied four important reasons for the securityimportance of Syria to Iran; Syria as a dam against the infiltration of the USanti-Iran policies in the Middle-East, Syria's common borders with Hezbollahand Israel, Syria as a place for adopting ideological defense-invasion strategyand its stance in the confluence point of the Islamic Iran and the Arabnationalism ideologies can be the main elements for forming Iran-Syriansecurity relations. As Iran's ally, Syria can be a key factor in preventing theWest's complete plundering of the region and given the four aforementionedcomponents, it can justify and redefine Iran's all-out support for Syria during thecrisis in the country.
Hassan Daheshiar
Volume 3, Issue 9 , February 2015, Pages 179-201
The main focus of detailed discussions in this essay was studying the reasonsthat caused Syria to turn into an important security issue for Iran. Given thelong history of relations between the two, the emergence of this crisis hasactivated Iran heavily and roughly to prevent and confront the West's powersince ...
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The main focus of detailed discussions in this essay was studying the reasonsthat caused Syria to turn into an important security issue for Iran. Given thelong history of relations between the two, the emergence of this crisis hasactivated Iran heavily and roughly to prevent and confront the West's powersince lagging in this issue will impose heavy prices on the Islamic Republic ofIran. The current essay has studied four important reasons for the securityimportance of Syria to Iran; Syria as a dam against the infiltration of the USanti-Iran policies in the Middle-East, Syria's common borders with Hezbollahand Israel, Syria as a place for adopting ideological defense-invasion strategyand its stance in the confluence point of the Islamic Iran and the Arabnationalism ideologies can be the main elements for forming Iran-Syriansecurity relations. As Iran's ally, Syria can be a key factor in preventing theWest's complete plundering of the region and given the four aforementionedcomponents, it can justify and redefine Iran's all-out support for Syria during thecrisis in the country.