Document Type : Research Paper



The main purpose of this Article is examining the third wave of Alnehza  from the perspective of the Islamic awakening  and the religious revival in the countries of Arab region. The revolutionary movement in the Arab world as a comprehensive movement based on religious and theological discourse has been analyzed in this regard. This social movement has waged prominent Islamic awakening indicators that will provide a new literature review in this matter. In fact, the first wave of Alnehza has risen form of political and religious reforms in Muslim communities headed by Jamaledin Asad Abadi. The second wave of the Islamic revolution led by Imam Khomeini and the third wave, without any charismatic or social leaders, formed in shape of certain social symbols and stories. Thus, the main hypothesis of this Article regarding the third wave argues that Islamic awaking turns to be a model and manifestation for the new movements in the Arab world.


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