Document Type : Research Paper



Egyptian revolution in January 2011 was a transition period of the Islamic awakening in the Egypt and therefore it is essential to understand these events. This article seeks to provide a theoretical approach about developments in Egypt and in this matter the theory of ontological security of Anthony Giddens is applied to consider in the formation process of the protests in Egypt.
The main hypothesis of this paper is that the Egyptian people as the brightest people in the Arab world faced with contradictory Islamic identity during Mubarak regime. Therefore they try regaining their lost identity. Hence, humility as a Feeling in the Egyptians provided a sense of non self-respect as it is mentioned; and led them to overthrow of the Mubarak regime in Egypt in January 2011. However, due to the lack of democracy in Egypt for many years, military actors took the power about three years after the revolution.


الف) فارسی
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