Document Type : Research Paper


political science Department,


The relation of religion with the notion of rationality has been a concern for the faithful religionists. The field of religious studies faces new questions in this regard. Islamic thinkers have not been the exception and the acquaintance of Muslims with the requirements of the new age is the beginning of questions regarding the relationship between them, because in the experience of western human, the confrontation with such a problem can be found. Using the patterns of answering this question can blur the hidden aspects of the relationship between them. One model is the response that Thomas Aquinas gave to the relationship between reason and religion. In this research, based on Springer´s method, which is a method of understanding political theory, we will look at this issue in Aquinas´s thought. The question is: " how Aquinas addresses the relationship between wisdom and religion, as well as the ideal reconstructed image to offer". To answer, various dimensions of Aquinas´ political thought have been analyzed. The research hypothesis is as follows: The solution to the conflict between wisdom and religion in the public domain, in Aquinas´ perspective is in the aggregate between these two epistemic areas and the widespread collaboration among its custodians.


الف- فارسی
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ب- انگلیسی
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منبع اینترنتی:
-                      مسیح، حضرت عیسی(ع)، اناجیل اربعه، (دانلود فایل pdf ازسایت