Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student in political science, trends futures Islamic Revolution, Shahed University, Tehran

2 Assistant Professor of International Relations at Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran

3 Central Eurasian Studies Master's Graduate School of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs


 Sometimes using the concepts of science could be helpful in understanding political relations and international researchers. One of the conceptual interest in the geopolitical system is used, is the concept of "code" and "genome" in geopolitics. Geopolitical genome, the genetic map of each country's that affects domestic and especially foreign policy of the countries. Countries consider genomes of other actors as geopolitical codes. Interaction or confrontation of Code / genome of countries creates an atmosphere that can be aligned or inconsistent with national and regional interests. The authors of this paper attempt to identify factors affecting geopolitics of Iran and Saudi Arabia. To answer the question of "what impacts geopolitical tool in foreign policy with Iran and Saudi Arabia? The hypothesis of the paper is that the geopolitical genome and the heritability and geographic features of Saudi Arabia and the Islamic Republic of Iran are very influential in the formation of geopolitical codes, orientations and strategies of the two countries in the external arena, and both actors are trying to turn off its negative gene and power generating forces and activating the positive and powerful genes, while the geopolitical approach dominates the relationship between the two actors.


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