Document Type : Research Paper


1 LLM, International Relations, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran,

2 Associate Professor of International Relations at University of Isfahan


A series of events such as the Islamic revolution of Iran, occupation of the US embassy in Tehran, hostage crisis, and Iran's anti-American approach after 1979 resulted in the emergence of a phenomenon called Iran phobia in the West, especially in the US. Although it was assumed that the interaction with the West and conclusion of the nuclear deal in Rouhani's government would weaken the Iran phobia propaganda; but no considerable change was observed in practice and the aggressive approach of Donald Trump and his administration towards Tehran indicate the persistence of Iran phobia in the US foreign policy. The main question of the paper is related to the reasons, purposes, and implications of Iran phobia in the US foreign policy in post-JCPOA era. The main hypothesis of the study is that the role of new McCarthyism in the marketplace of ideas, state identity, and speech acts are considered as the most important reasons and symptoms of Iran phobia in post-JCPOA era. Preventing Iran's economic recovery and making a kind of behavior change of Iran toward some domestic and regional issues are its main objectives of this policy. Breaching the JCPOA and reproduction patterns of antagonism and hostility between two countries may be the most important implications of Iran phobia.


الف- منابع فارسی
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