Document Type : Research Paper



Dependence of countries to each other has lots of effects in the Geopolitical weight and type of behavior. Relations between Iran and Azerbaijan, from the beginning of 1990, when the country gained its independence, faced with challenges. The Nakhichevan as part of the Azerbaijan Separated by Zangezurmargi corridor from motherland. After the Nagorno-Karabakh War, Iran has been the only way between Nakhichevan and Republic of Azerbaijan. Due to the many challenges and security relations between the governments of Azerbaijan and Iran over the years and also due to the lack of geographical continuity of the country with its exclave unit (Nakhichevan) that it is the biggest strategic problems of Nakhichevan, Which it can be used for dependence of Nakhichevan to Iran and changing the level of relations between two countries. The method research of this paper is descriptive-analytic and collecting data for this paper is based on using library resources and questionnaire for surveying and prioritizing of various variables in Political-security fields for increasing dependency of Nakhichevan to Iran. According to the results and the experts' views, Development of regional cooperation between border regions in northwestern of Iran, Nakhichevan,Trying to reduce the influence of regional power such as Turkey in Azerbaijan (Nakhichevan),Using of the same religion as a political factor for increasing level of relation, have been the most effective factors for increasing Nakhichevan's dependence on Iran in the political-security dimension.


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