Document Type : Research Paper


Mohaghegh Ardabili University


Political violence is one of the social deficiencies which causes disorder and have been politician’s core of concentration. The present study examines the structural factors affecting the political orientation of violent behaviors among citizens of Zahedan. The ethnic-tribal issues have paved the way for insecurity and instability in the region. The cultural, ethnic, and religious similarity of the region to Afghanistan and Pakistan, as two troubled countries, has led to increased violence. The methodology used in this study is a survey method and data collected through questionnaires. The research population consisted of all the citizens of the city of Zahedan, a sample size of 384 were selected by cluster sampling. The results showed that there is a significant correlation between the sense of structural constraints and violent behaviors among citizens. Moreover, the sociological factors such as relative deprivation, tribalism, drug trafficking, foreign inhabitants, and foreign involvement in strengthening terrorist groups caused increased violence in this region.


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