Document Type : Research Paper


The role of united state of America in Middle East region extremism with emphasis on Iraq and Syria

Since 2011, followed by the start of the unrest in the Arabic countries of the Middle East, the extremists in the region, especially in Iraq and in Syria has increased. Given the ethnic and religious context of the Middle East, diversity of extremist group in this region is Predictable. The question that arises is that the role of trans-regional power such as united state of America in the Spread of extremism in Middle East how evaluated?
This study argues that, the United States is the major causes of survival and function of extremist forces in the Middle East, including in Iraq and Syria.
The formation of extremism in the Middle East, despite the availability of its domestic context, also needs to external stimulus. The aim of this study is evaluate the impact of external factors such as the US government's role in the formation and spread of the phenomenon of extremism in the Middle East.
The research method is descriptive and analytical
Key word: Middle East, extremism, ISIS. United state of America, Financial and military assistance.


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