Document Type : Research Paper


1 Master of Political Science, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Neuroscience Research Center, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.


The current study seeks to investigate and measure political awareness among students of engineering and humanities fields of Tehran universities. The questionnaire was published online on related scientific pages and 256 students of Tehran universities participated in this study. After discarding the questionnaire of unrelated fields and universities, the answers of 124 people (57 technical students and 67 humanities students) who were required for this task based on the results of the GPower program were used as the basis of analysis. In order to measure political awareness and tendencies, the Political Compass Test was used. Also, the subjects answered the standard questionnaires for moral ideology classification and beneficence questionnaire. The final results showed that the two groups of engineering and humanities students have a significant difference in the variable of the social axis (authoritarian-libertarian) of the political compass. In addition, a significant negative correlation was seen between the social axis (authoritarian-libertarian) of the political compass and the relativity subscale of the standard questionnaire for moral ideology classification, whereas the relativity subscale of the standard questionnaire and the beneficence questionnaire had a significant positive relationship with each other.


Main Subjects