Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Political Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Political Science, Razi University.

3 Full Professor-Department of Political Science- Razi University, Kermashah, Iran


With the expansion of social networks celebrities as a new reference group began to reflect people's various concerns through the mentioned media.This issue leads to the influence of this segment of the society in the process of politicaldevelopment and creates obstacles in this field.question is,what role and place have celebrities played in Iran's political development?In response,the hypothesis was raised that due to the authority of figures and the celebrity of politics in the Islamic Republic,this group can create serious obstacles in the process of politicaldevelopment.Using the semiotics approach, this article uses the posts and stories of celebrities that have been purposefully selected on the Instagram platform to show the weakening of the political development process due to the role of celebrities.In politics,it has been studied as a result of their authority in the society and by applying a descriptive-analytical qualitative method and citing library sources, the effects of stars' intervention in the erosion process of political development have been analyzed.The purpose of this research is to show the role of celebrities in weakening the process of political development and celebritization of politics, that their interventions in the future will lead to results that will disrupt the process of political development.


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