Document Type : Research Paper



The following article is orchestrated on the basis of scenario-based
processing as one of the main methods of future study. It tries to answer this
main question that “what would be the probable direction of the Salafi
jihadist groups such as Al-Nusra Front and Islamic state of Iraq and Syria
(ISSI) in the Middle East? It seems that five scenarios can be anticipated in
three categories: A) Favorable scenario: 1) the final destruction of Takfirijihadi
Islamists and democratically distribution of power under the
ceremonial leadership of Bashar al-Assad 2) suppression of takfiri groups
and ruling of the Islamic Republic, instead of the Arabic Republic of Syria
and Iraq. B) Probable scenario: 1) the elimination of Da’ash and
distribution of power between Kurds, Shiites and Sunnite in Syria 2)
Breakup of Iraq and Iraqi Kurdistan's independence. C) Possible scenarios:
1) capturing Baghdad and Beirut government and establishing the
government known as the Islamic regime by takfiri-jihadi groups. In order to
keep their own entities, the political systems of Syria and Iraq should carry
out reforms mainly in the political, economic and social realms


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