Document Type : Research Paper



Hasan Danaee Fard* - Ali Reza Hasanzadeh** - Somayeh Nasroallahi***
(Received: 2014/April/17 – Accept: 2014/Octobr/27)
Public Trust is considered as a strategic capital of any political system. Accordingly, one of the main challenges facing governments is “public Trust management”. The governments should use mechanisms to achieve this objective.
The final goal of this research is to suggest mechanisms for public Trust promoting to the Iranian government. It is provided in mix method. In the first stage, the mechanisms are provided through reviewing and a scale is developed along taken mechanisms and in the second stage, such scale is justified by public. Finally, 38 determined mechanisms are classified in 5 categories. The main ones are: social equity in using public service, making political and economic peace, and existence of efficient judicial institution.
It is also analyzed the gap between the current and desired situation using the mechanisms in which there is significant difference between them in all identified mechanisms.

*Associate Professor of Public Administration, Tarbiat Modarres University

**Associate Professor of Information Technology Management, Tarbiat Modarres University

***Master of Public Administration, Tarbiat Modarres University (corresponding author)


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