Document Type : Research Paper



Temporary Cabinet Foreign Policy: of Non – alignment to Neither West Nor East Principle
Seyd Hasan Mir Fakhraei*
(Received:2014/June/14 – Accept: 2014/Octobr/27)
Foreign policy of the Bazargan cabinet is one of the most controversial issues in the history of Iran's foreign policy which was based on non – alignment policy   and neither west nor east principle. lack of  a precise definition of this principle and absence of consensus on its  meaning among  political parties  caused  different  interpretations  and flow of various demands by political parties to the government  based on their definition and this paper aims to analyze this government's  challenges and problems via theoretical  and practical analyze  of  non – alignment policy   and  neither west nor east principle in temporary cabinet and other contemporary political  parties opinion .

* Assistant Professor of Political Science at Allameh Tabataba’i University (


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