Document Type : Research Paper




Human Rights issue, is among the fundamental achievements of the international relations and law. The Islamic Republic of Iran, as an actor with different norms and ideologies than the norms that shape human rights, has always been exposed to various accusations by human rights activists and institutions. To the extent that this issue has gone beyond the legal nature and has been raised in a security and political framework. Now, this article seeks to examine the security situation of the human rights case of the Islamic Republic of Iran within the framework of the Copenhagen School and then examining the current situation of Trump coming to power, and finally to provide a solution in this regard. Accordingly, the question of the article is how the human rights dispute between Iran and the West is progressing. The available findings show that, given the differences in the norms shaping human rights between the West and the Islamic Republic of Iran, the process of securitizing of human rights has always been a lever to put pressure on Iran and its isolationist policy in the international environment will be on the agenda.


الف- فارسی
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