Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Regional Studies Faculty of Law and Political Science University of Tehran


Given that solidarity is at the heart of the European integration process in the post-World War II era, this article seeks to answer the question of how the Coronavirus crisis of 2020 affected European solidarity and how the weakness or lack of solidarity in the European integration process Affected? The paper based on this assumption examines the fact that the weakness of the European solidarity in the face of the Coronavirus crisis has exacerbated nationalist approaches in EU member states, thus exacerbating divisions in Europe and neglecting the EU's transnational achievements. Findings from the article show that European citizens are frustrated by the existence of solidarity, the intensification of nationalist policies, the widening of the gaps between the north and the south are the most important effects of the Corona Crisis on the solidarity of the European Union.In response to the consequences of this crisis, the European Union is using the experience gained from the management of previous crises to strengthen governance and increase its resilience, albeit at a high political cost.


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