Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, International Relations, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran,

2 Assistant Professor, Political Science, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran


Mankind is facing one of the greatest events in contemporary history. The prevalence of corona disease has dramatic economic, political and social consequences and is changing the individual and collective culture and behavior of human beings. The research question is that “How the coronavirus pandemic will impact on the domestic politics and international relations?” The authors believe that in the post-Corona period, we will see the rise of nationalism and the Strengthening the state role in governing the community and the transformation of public health into a matter of national security. In the foreign field, Governments will withdraw from the globalization process to save the lives of their citizens by restricting the free movement of people and goods and by tightening immigration policies and protecting borders. The research findings indicate that has changed the nature of threats in the 21st century and inequality in economic and social structures and a lack of health care can challenge the internal security of governments. Also, corona reminds us that global politics must be reformed, contrary to the principles of neoliberalism and minimal government.


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