Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant professor of Political science , Department of Political science , Ferdowsi university of Mashhad


Taiwan has long been one of the most developed tigers in East of Asia and an economic and political model of development, and today it is one of the most developed industrial, economic and political regions in the Asia. The main purpose of the present study is to analyze the role of the Taiwanese government in managing and controlling the Coronavirus disease. Since the start of the epidemic, Taiwan has been one of the countries that have successfully managed to control the disease and it is admired by international audiences. Despite its proximity to mainland China and the city of Wuhan as the center of the virus outbreak, Taiwan, with its prudent management and transparent policy, has managed the crisis well without public quarantine. Accordingly, the main question of this research is what has been the most important factor in the success of Taiwan's experience in controlling and managing epidemic disease? In response to the research question, the paper, based on a descriptive method of analysis, emphasizes that democratic and transparent political governance in Taiwan, through the separation of the Politic sphere from the Policy area, controls and manages the Corona Pandemic Crisis without public quarantine.


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