Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Political science, , Yasuj University, Yasuj, Iran

2 Master Student, Political science, , Yasuj University, Yasuj, Iran


JCPOA is a milestone in the nuclear diplomacy of the Islamic Republic of Iran, which has played a major role in policymaking and implementing institutions and organizations in shaping it. One of these decision-making bodies of the Islamic Consultative Assembly, especially the ninth and tenth assemblies. So, the main question to be asked is that what role the 9th and 10th parliaments have played in the process of Iran's nuclear diplomacy, especially in the JCPOA agreement? The research findings based on theoretical models of decision making in the field of foreign policy show that the positions and decisions of the parliament in nuclear diplomacy are based on the outsourcing of decisions of other institutions and organizations such as the Supreme National Security Council, Guardian Council, The Judiciary has been the executive branch. Based on the "limited rationality" of the parliament, the law enforced the government's obligation to maintain the nuclear and legal achievements of the Iranian people, the government's plan of appropriate and mutually beneficial action, the establishment of a special commission for the presentation of the six-month reports of the National Security and Foreign Policy Commission and approval Four bills called the AFTF.


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- تابناک 27/5/1394 کد خبر 525312
- مهر26/4/1395 کد خبر3715166
- انتخاب28/10/1395 کد خبر۳۱۷۶۴۹
- خبرآنلاین10/8/1396 کد خبر723058
- ایسنا27/1/1396 کد خبر96012711330
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