Document Type : Research Paper


Ph.D. of Political Science, shahed University


Understanding the reasons of violence and political extremism has become one of the main areas of political psychology in the past two decades. Considering the role of cultural and religious components with the aim of motivating individuals to engage in violent acts, one of the most important reasons for understanding political violence in this paper is attention. In this article, it will be attempted to analyze, critique and evaluate actions aimed at ISIS violence within the framework of cultural-religious theory.
The main question is: what are the reasons and the religious and cultural structures of the violence among the members of the ISIS group? The hypothesis of this research is based on the fact that ISIS violence derives from factors such as reproduction of culture of violence, religious intolerance, crisis of meaning, feeling of humiliation, discrimination and a feeling of injustice and inequality. The main focus of this article is on the most important cultural-religious factors in the emergence of ISIS violence, including the culture of honor, religious fanaticism, the crisis of meaning and identity loss, the sense of discrimination and cultural-religious humiliation, and the desire for survival and overcoming the death anxiety.


الف – فارسی
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