Document Type : Research Paper


Graduated in political science from Isfahan University


The decline of the hegemonic cycle of the United States and the shift of the systematic geographic core of world capital accumulation towards China in the recent capitalist crisis have brought about fundamental changes in the mechanisms of the world system. In this sphere, the analysis of the systemic transformation of capitalist based on the uncertain development process of Chinese hegemonic control over the world system is a necessity in understanding structural metamorphosis world system and the structural tendency of the late capitalist crisis. Therefore, the main question of the article is stated as follows: What will be the consequence(s) of the transition to the possible fourth cycle of Chinese hegemony in the reconstruction of the capitalist world system ? The hypothesis of the article indicates that the possible fourth cycle of Chinese hegemony will be the origin for the development of the horizontal management of the world system and the emergence of multiple international centers of power. The method of the article will be configured in the form of systemic analysis based on the creation of a theoretical model combining the world-systems analysis and the theory of uncertainty in systemic bifurcations.


Main Subjects