نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 استاد روابط بین‌الملل دانشگاه علامه طباطبائی، تهران، ایران

2 دانشجوی دکتری علوم سیاسی دانشگاه علامه طباطبائی، تهران، ایران


اگرچه در دهه ابتدایی انقلاب اسلامی، نشانه‌هایی از «گفتمان آرمان‌گرایی» در سیاست خارجی ایران وجود داشت، اما متعاقب استقرار دولت سازندگی در سال 1368، به‌تدریج قرائن بروز تحول در گفتمان مزبور در جهت تمایل به‌سوی اولویت‌بخشی به اهداف داخلی در برابر اهداف فراملی آشکار شد، آنچه که در قالب کلی «عمل‌گرایی» مورد بحث واقع ‌شده است. در این میان سیاست امنیتی جمهوری اسلامی نیز با نوآوری‌های جدیدی مواجه شد. دگرگونی که محصول شرایط پساجنگ داخلی و تحولات نوظهور منطقه‌ای و بین‌المللی بود و نشانه‌هایی از ظرفیت روشنفکرانه متکی به اجماع (نسبی) میان تصمیم‌گیرندگان را به همراه داشت. پرسش اصلی مقاله عبارت است از: در چارچوب نظام سیاست‌گذاری امنیتی دولت سازندگی در بازه زمانی 1368 تا 1376، چگونه میان ملاحظات توسعه‌ای و امنیتی ارتباط برقرار شد؟ فرضیه مورد نظر نیز این است که در چارچوب سیاست امنیتی، «توسعه اقتصادی» به‌عنوان محوری‌ترین راهبرد سیاست امنیتی دولت سازندگی (1376-1368) قرار گرفت و متناسب با این الگو و نقش ملی، امنیت ملی و توسعه ملی همسان و یکسان تلقی شد. یافته اصلی مقاله نیز اینکه عمل‌گرایی ناظر بر سیاست‌گذاری امنیتی دولت سازندگی، فراتر از تجربه‌ای تاریخی، به ظرفیتی روشنفکرانه در بطن نظام مدیریتی کلان کشور اشاره دارد که در شرایط بحرانی می‌تواند دستگیر تصمیم‌گیرندگان باشد.



عنوان مقاله [English]

Security Policy of Reconstruction Administration in Iran: The Transition from Idealism to Geopolitical Pragmatism

نویسندگان [English]

  • Seyed Asghar Keivan Hosseini 1
  • Habibollah Fadavi 2

1 Professor, International Relations, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran

2 Ph.D. Student, Political Sciences, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran

چکیده [English]

Unlike Iran’s idealist foreign policy during the first decade of the Islamic Revolution, there was a gradual shift in discourse after the establishment of the Reconstruction administration in 1989. This shift revealed a growing tendency to prioritize domestic goals over transnational objectives, often referred to in general terms as pragmatism. In the meantime, the security policy of the Islamic Republic underwent new innovations which were influenced by post-war domestic conditions and emerging regional and international developments, indicating some kind of intellectual capacity based on relative consensus among decision-makers. The working hypothesis posits that pragmatism of the Reconstruction administration (1989–1997) prioritized economic development as the cornerstone of its security policy, thus equating national security with national development. Recognizing its capabilities and limitations while upholding Islamic values, the Islamic state prioritized economic reform and sought to rebuild its relations with other nations, hence a shift towards a more realist approach in foreign policy. In this respect, the present article aimed to examine the security policymaking process and the initiatives undertaken to advance new security considerations—a distinctive experience closely associated with Hashemi Rafsanjani’s Reconstruction administration. The analysis concerned the factors contributing to the security policy of the Reconstruction administration (1989–1997), and its relationship with economic development as well as the overall foreign policy of the country. The study tried to answer the question as to what relationship existed between development and security in the security policymaking of the Reconstruction administration.
Literature Review
In an article titled “A Shift in the National Security Approach of the Islamic Republic in the Second Decade of the Islamic Revolution,” Ardestani (2013) states that the most important orientation in Iran’s post-war foreign policy was alignment with the regional and international environment. In “Discursive Transformation of National Security Governance in the Islamic Republic of Iran,” Khalili (2019) underscores that the putative discursive transformation, despite shaping the IRI’s distinctive governance approach, has led to a weakening consensus, polarization, and conflict both within society and within the structures and institutions of national security. In “The Impact of the Idea of Self-Reliance on the National Security of the Islamic Republic of Iran,” Dehshiri et al. (2022) focused on the reasons behind the IRI’s emphasis on self-reliance. They concluded that the realization of self-reliance and the subsequent national security—regardless of the government—is influenced by several factors, such as the national cohesion, strategic geopolitical position, historical–civilizational background, pursuit of political independence, mutual trust between people and rulers, and effective and constructive relations with regional and international actors. Another notable work is Iran’s Security Policy in the Post-Revolutionary Era (Byman, 2001). It delves into Iran’s security considerations during the 1990s, particularly during the establishment of the Reconstruction administration. Considering the related literature, the innovative aspect of the present study lies in its focus on security policy of the Reconstruction administration by relying on an analytical approach which is missing in the related literature.
Materials and Methods
The present research adopted a descriptive–analytical approach. This kind of analysis involves summarizing and describing the main features of a dataset, aiming to provide information such as measures of central tendency, dispersion, and distribution without drawing inferences or making conclusions.
Results and Discussion
A key characteristic of governmental security policies, transformability reflects both the ongoing transformation of threat focal points in line with international and regional developments, and the flexibility and modernization embedded in the government’s security decision-making structure. Transformability actually represents the breadth and depth of intellectual capacity within the country’s management system. During the post-war period, what became prioritized as the emerging security orientation under the Reconstruction administration incorporated aspects of both features mentioned above. The governmental foreign and security policymaking process was grounded in relative consensus among decision-makers, acknowledging the perilous and challenging conditions in domestic, regional, and international arenas. During the first decade of the Islamic Revolution, this appraoch sought to balance the political, security, and economic indicators, which were influenced by political–economic, ideological, and cultural factors, as well as the performance of Iran’s revolutionary institutions. While adhering to the revolutionary principles to build a strong Iran and gain international recognition, Hashemi Rafsanjani’s pragmatism involved a concerted effort to end the political isolation imposed on Iran during the Iraq–Iran War, secure the national interests, and reconstruct the country by relying on political realism. This kind of realism, coupled with revolutionary idealism, emphasized a broader understanding of expediency and underscored the significant role of rationality in formulating and planning foreign and security policies. It also highlighted the importance of recognizing the relation between pragmatism and development in the context of Iran’s security policy. According to the research findings, pragmatism in security policymaking of the Reconstruction administration goes beyond a merely historical experience, indicating an intellectual capacity within the country’s macro-management system, which can effectively guide decision-makers in critical situations.
The experience of pragmatism coupled with development is not merely a recent phenomenon in the history of Iran; it actually offers valuable insights and lessons that can guide Iran in overcoming future challenges. Achieving these milestones hinges on revitalizing the intellectual capacity of the country’s management system, enriching it, and facilitating its orientation towards societal security decision-making.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Reconstruction Administration
  • Security Policy
  • Economic Development
  • National Role
  • National Security
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